Recently, biblical scholar Pete Enns recorded a podcast episode in which he disagreed with my latest Gospel Coalition article, 3 Beliefs Progressive Christians and Atheists Share. I decided to come off my break to offer a response. I hope it's helpful.
Mitch Harpur
12/14/2018 10:57:43 pm
Thanks again for a thoughtful and centered response. The arguments against true Christianity, as given by the Apostles, are increasingly full of cunning and straw men. Nowdays, it is not always easy to answer without being regarded as ignorant, foolish and ironically even immoral. At the end of the day we hold onto Jesus even if we can’t articulate it very well in spite of our best efforts. But we must keep trying. I find your articles helpful in this regard so thanks again
12/15/2018 01:37:12 am
Wow, great podcast Alisa. Thank you for doing it. The only thing I really struggled with and that I constantly struggle with in our fight as conservative evangelicals against progressive Christianity is this idea that inerrancy is not a part of the rule of faith. I know my position makes me a minority amongst more educated members of the church today and also pits me against certain statements in the great Chicago Statement, but I’m still not convinced I’m truly a minority amongst all Christians today and I certainly would be in the overwhelming majority among Christians, including the leadership, before 1700, probably even 1800 or even as late as 1850. I genuinely think it is a stretch to say that the doctrine is not an essential of the faith both from a theological perspective and a historical perspective. I think it is the crux of the difference between orthodox Christianity and liberal “Christianity.”
Brian Fisher
12/15/2018 09:31:22 am
What stood out most to me in the podcast was the issue of culture. The Biblical writers often found themselves in the midst of a culture of debauchery, and were swimming upstream against it, NOT embracing it. In the midst of a plethora of legitimate doctrinal debate, the embracing by many progressive Christians of some of the more evil elements of today's post-modern society is the most clear evidence of the error that is being propagated by some of the movements' leaders. While Peter Enns was gracious in his rebuttal, his views nonetheless subtly represented a disdain for traditional Evangelical thought.
Jane Gruber
12/17/2018 09:46:37 am
I appreciate your answer, Brian! I agree with your statement about interacting with culture without embracing it completely. I try to live out Christ through actions and sometimes having to hold my tongue because words are not always necessary if our faith is working right. I feel that Progressives tend to discredit sin in people's lives so that the Bible is not seem distasteful -- to me this does more harm. There is sin and it separates us from God--it also waters down the need for Christ as our Savior and Redeemer. If there is no sin, why do we need a Savior? I do find, at times, that I walk on eggshells and I'm not brave enough at times to speak out against Progressive Christianity in fear of "offending" someone. Maybe it's not just lacking bravery but also fear of doing/saying the wrong thing. I also realize that Satan is at work in those thoughts. My pastor likes to say there is a real heaven and a real hell and real people are going to both. If people are not taught that sin separates us from God, then how can they know the truth?
12/17/2018 08:09:26 am
This is my first introduction to Mrs. Childers and and it left me grateful to find another excellent Christian apologist. There's a number of things about your podcast that impress me. It's clear, concise, concrete content, relevant and gracious, but committed. I really appreciate the way you structure your arguments or responses and engage critique. I love listening to someone and finding myself wishing I had more of their skills, I felt that way after listening to this podcast. Thanks for what you are doing, I am sharing it.
Jane Gruber
12/17/2018 09:33:30 am
Helen Hoffmann
12/17/2018 04:31:51 pm
Thank you Alisa. As always, your tone is Christ-like, open and generous. You think highly of everyone you debate and I pray that you will not grow weary or be discouraged. Our battle is not against people but against lies that originate with the enemy of God. I am so very appreciative of the countless hours you give to study, reading and sharing all your research with your readers and listeners. You are at the forefront of responding with truth to the deception that calls itself 'progressive Christianity'. Keep at it Alisa; God is using you in ways you will only see in eternity! Like you, my heart is broken for dear friends who have rejected truth to follow this path but be encouraged that many are standing behind you in prayer. Thank you for being obedient to the call God has placed upon your heart. God's Word will bear fruit.
Audrey Wagner
12/18/2018 10:45:48 am
I loved this podcast, Alisa. I especially appreciate you exposing the non sequiturs and strawmen presented by those in the progressive camp. The work you are doing is much needed. My prayers will be with you as you continue to research, write, and record podcasts.
12/18/2018 08:01:14 pm
Your analyses, logic and Biblical backing are more grounded than those of many theologians with doctorate level education, and your arguments and tone are firm yet kind. What a delicate balance you so skillfully strike, much like Ravi Zacharias does, only you tend to come from gentler directions without sacrificing the forces of your points. Please keep battling worldly error with God's truth - you are rapidly becoming one of my favorite apologists.
12/19/2018 08:43:39 pm
Hi Alisa
12/19/2018 09:39:50 pm
Come on Hendrik, you and I have been debating these accusations of yours for weeks and you have not come close to proving these things. You simply constantly link to Enns and never ever answer me when I point out how you never interpret key narratives from the NT according to the same exegetical principles you use to come to these conclusions from the OT.
12/20/2018 12:40:13 pm
Hi Dan 12/20/2018 02:46:14 pm
Hendrik, you are HANDS DOWN one of the nicest theological opponents I have ever debated against. Hence, I really want to be as nice as I can, so please don't read too much into my tone. Any intensity that is coming across is due to my passion for these subjects and is not due to any dislike towards you. I genuinely think we could have a beer together and have a very nice time.
12/26/2018 12:23:58 pm
Hi Dan 12/26/2018 02:35:27 pm
That’s exactly what Bultmann said about the resurrection, the Trinity, the incarnation, miracles, and many other core doctrines of the faith. Many progressive Christian leaders such as Spong, Crossan, and Borg say similar things. You need to familiarize yourself with all of these scholars and issues and stop solely relying on biologos, because until you do so and start answering my objections, you are a walking contradiction and therefore not a lot of what you say is very convincing.
1/9/2019 08:39:45 pm
Hi Dan
1/10/2019 07:44:51 am
Hendrik, I've already answered this argument on my blog and you are well aware of this. And I just answered on my blog your last three comments where you bring up this canard yet again. This argument is so unbelievably weak, please stop using it.
1/13/2019 10:53:17 am
Hi Dan 1/13/2019 10:29:31 pm
Hendrik, I feel like I've been pretty nice and fair to you, so I really hope you don't take what I'm about to say too harshly, but this response from you is extremely frustrating.
1/24/2019 11:17:57 pm
Hi Dan
Daniel Hawkins
2/15/2019 04:37:32 pm
“But ANE cosmology is a very broad topic and you and those like you simply assume that the pagan versions of ANE cosmology must have predated the biblical doctrine and that when the Bible reflects ANE cosmology that it must be COMPLETELY in line with pagan versions of it in all of its particulars. But this simply is not so. We maintain that the biblical doctrine preceded the pagan versions and that it was the pagan versions that corrupted the pure authentic account of what actually took place. But on a lot of points there is still agreement between the two and even where there is disagreement often very similar language is used.” (Emphasis mine)
2/17/2019 11:00:24 pm
Thank you for commenting on my thoughts Daniel, I very much appreciate it and the tone in which you approach this discussion. But I do have to say that no, you are not following my argument. I will do my best to explain why.
Daniel Hawkins
2/20/2019 02:50:37 pm
I think I am beginning to grasp what you are saying now. Thank you for taking the time to concisely bring me up to speed so to speak. There are however several points of clarification I would like before responding. 2/17/2019 11:28:55 pm
I wasn't going to respond to Hendrik's last response to me because I was just going to let him have the last word as I don't really get anywhere with him, although I do admit that he has been one of the nicest and most respectful Progressive Christians I have dealt with and I've dealt with a lot since 2008. But I will respond to him here with you so that it does not seem like I cannot respond.
2/20/2019 03:58:45 pm
Hey Daniel, I'm responding to this comment only because it would not allow me to respond to your comment below. Sometimes after posting a comment though, Alisa will place it in the right place and hopefully that will be the case. Either way, this comment is intended to respond to your latest response to me.
Daniel Hawkins
2/20/2019 04:25:46 pm
Sure, I don't see any reason why that wouldn't be fine. 2/20/2019 07:24:02 pm
Ok, sounds good Daniel, it will be up within the next couple days. A link won't be necessary. If you see that arrow by my name every time I comment, that connects anyone interested to my website. From there, they can go to the blog and it will be very easy to find the article. It will be clearly labeled. Talk to you soon.
10/14/2019 10:15:43 am
Hi Alisa,
6/12/2020 02:34:20 pm
Brian, this was extremely well put. Thank-you. I found myself constantly frustrated by this back and forth and couldn't figure out why.... it was like listening to two people talk about different things to each other graciously.
12/28/2020 08:35:17 am
Bingo! I don't think she actually grappled with the nuanced substance.
7/19/2020 01:04:37 am
I believe part of the problem is that some people want to say that they are Christians, but they don't really believe that JHVH, the God of the Israelites, created the universe and everything in it from nothing, at present holds all created things together by His will alone, and has, always has had, and always will have complete control over every particle that exists and every soul and spirit that exists, that He exists eternally as one Being in three Persons, that the second Person of God was made flesh, was born a male human child to a Hebrew virgin, that He died for the sins of His people, was bodily raised from the dead on the third day, physically ascended into the heavens in the sight of His disciples, that He will one day judge every created human that has ever lived or ever will lived for each of our deeds and for the secret thoughts of our hearts, that He is soon returning to destroy the governing authorities of the world and to establish Himself visibly as King of the earth in Jerusalem, and that this God has written a book, the Bible, is unable to lie, and is perfectly holy, righteous, and loving.
8/3/2020 01:47:57 am
Hi Travis
8/18/2020 09:07:41 pm
Hi Hendrik,
8/19/2020 02:40:25 am
Hi Travis
8/20/2020 05:44:12 pm
Dear Hendrik,
8/22/2020 02:44:17 am
Hi Travis
8/24/2020 10:02:40 am
Dear Hendrik,
8/26/2020 02:14:37 am
Hi Travis
8/28/2020 11:41:22 am
Hi Hendrik, Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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