Here are my favorite top 5 books/articles/quotes/videos I came across this week: 1. Don't miss Gianna Jessen's 5 minute statement before Congress, in defense of the Born Alive Protection Act. Gianna is one of the most courageous souls alive. After having the "audacity" to survive a saline abortion in 1973, her very existence is a pebble in the shoe of the pro-abortion agenda. She is a warrior!
2. Great article by Jordan Monson at Desiring God, about our personal testimonies looking less like "selfies" and more like reflections of Jesus.
3. This week I had the privilege of reading Sam Alberry's thoughtful book, Is God Anti-Gay? Sam is a Pastor in the UK who experiences same-sex attraction, and is wise and concise in his approach. Coming in under 100 pages, it's a quick but deeply beneficial read. 4. The ever brilliant Carl Truman's insightful review of Carla Fox's book, "I Find That Offensive!" is really worth the read. Instead of "Millennial bashing," it gets right to the heart of what's behind the recent pushback against free speech and the emergence of "trigger warnings," and "safe spaces." 5. Charles Spurgeon, called the "Prince of Preachers" is one of my favorites. He endured much slander and opposition throughout his ministry. Find out why some Americans called him a "beef-eating, puffed up, vain, over-righteous pharisaical, English blab-mouth," publicly burned his sermons, and wanted him dead! Comments are closed.